Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Now that we have been on the road for six months it is fun to go back and look at some of the more interesting persons I have met along the way.  I especially enjoy meeting women that I believe have done outstanding things and/or have had an impactful influence on others in their lifetimes.
One of my very favorites on this trip is Marina Cheatham,, my Spanish teacher.  Marina is an amazing person, having had numerous professions during her lifetime.
Marina was born here the the Valley and her ancestors here date back to the time that land grants were given to settlers by Spain in the 1600s so that Texas would be colonized.  Her recent family reunion included 1700 persons and was assisted in part by Coca Cola due to the size of her existing family.  Except to go to college, she has remained here in the Valley for the most part and has taught most of her life.  She is FULL of life and not only a fun person to be around, but has teaching in her DNA.  Her Spanish students here at the park just love her and I can only imagine what her younger students thought of her over the years.  We have learned SO much in our Spanish class, and not just the language.  She has taught us customs, given us Tex Mex cooking tips and has shared many funny stories with us.  She is also the Tour Director here at Victoria Palms and has done this for many years.  She has led many trips through Texas and Mexico and is able to share so much history during the tour.  AND, she is a VERY talented singer and plays the piano at her local church. 
Mi Professora Marina
I cannot help but think of how many people have been impacted by her life and how many people she has helped to educate in so many ways.  I am really going to miss her a lot.
Te echare de menos!
During lunch in Mexico, Marina meets up with a man that she used to sing with and she got up and sang with him.  She has a great version of "La Bamba'!
Oh, and by the way (I hope she doesn't mind me telling you this), she's 80!

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