Sunday, July 21, 2013


Since returning to South Carolina I have developed an interest in cold-blooded creatures.  No, not IRS employees......Prehistoric ones that still surround us here in the Lowcountry.
Since moving into the Naval Weapons Station here in Charleston eight weeks ago we found ourselves just a short jaunt down to the stream where alligators paddle by all the time. Especially in the evenings between 8-8:30.  I have named the larger gator "Big AL, since he is, shall we say....BIG.  However I have been told by many that have been around the base for years that I have not seen a big alligator until I have seen Charlie
Charlie lives here on the base in a fenced-in pond (thank goodness) and is cared for by the base.  He is somewhere around 50 years old give or take a few years and weighs over 800 pounds. He has become fat and lazy since he is frequently fed by handlers here, but apparently he can still attract the ladies.
Tom and I took a drive to see him this morning and at first we thought the trip was a dud, no sight of anything.  And THEN, we saw movement in the grass right in front of us near the water.  Lo and behold, it was about a half dozen baby alligators.

Well, once we spotted the little ones, which are adorable, we knew that mama must be nearby and sure enough she slid into the water once she heard us.  She stayed right near her babies and did not take her eyes off of us.  Not for a moment.
After some other people came and the noise level increased, she made a fierce "swooshing" movement in the water, making considerable noise.  Within moments, along comes Papa Charlie, from the far end of the pond....there to protect his sweetheart.
Well, let me tell you, he makes his presence known just by his know when he his coming.  He traveled right up to the side of his woman and tried to stare us down.  He did not exactly look friendly.

I was impressed with the fact that once the mother signaled danger, Dad was right there, and he did not leave her side while we were there.

Fortunately they must have been proud of their little family, because they let us stay to take a few pics of the young 'uns.  They did not, however, pose for a family portrait.

We will miss our little friends as we prepare to leave the Navy base tomorrow, but will have photographic memories of our stay!
All photos taken by Tom Hynd.
See ya next time!