Thursday, November 22, 2012

Incredible frustration!

As I was looking over my recent post, I found that it is possible for hackers or just plain creeps that can take a word from your post, highlight it and make it a link to some pretty sleazy pictures.  I just can't believe that people can find a way to make good and decent things bad.  If you should find anything on my blog that leads you to a link, please ignore it.  If I am sending you a link, I will let you know in the message.  How frustrating......if people would only use their time and talent to do good things instead of thinking of devious ways to invade other people's privacy.
My soapbox entry for the day!!!!


Well, I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be grateful for.  For me, it is family, all the great people I know and freedom.  I think of all of the people in the world whose freedoms and being taken away bit by bit and many of them live day to day, like Israel, diving into bomb shelters.  I am very grateful for the cease fire in Israel and hope that God intervenes and brings peace to that area, which is the only way peace will happen there.  I am also thankful for my family and look forward to speaking to the kids each today as they enjoy their holiday.  And for many dear people that I miss and am so thankful for what each of them brings into my life.  I am grateful for the many new people that we have met along the way of our trip and how glad I am that our paths have crossed.  God is so good, and I believe that EVERY good thing comes from above.  We can never say thank you enough.
Today we got to enjoy a fantastic meal right here in our RV park.  They prepared and wonderful meal for 400 people.  It was about as good a Thanksgiving meal as you could get (other than home cooked) and included ALL of the trimmings.  There is a restaurant here in the park that draws people from all over the Rio Grande Valley and the meals there will knock your socks off.  Right now they serve breakfast and lunch and beginning in December they will serve dinner as well.  Their Fish Fries on Friday nights attract about 700 people.  All you can eat.  And the same goes for chicken dinners on Monday nights.  
We had planned to go see the move "Lincoln" this afternoon, but the turkey had its usual effect and I fell asleep shortly after we got home.  So much for the movie, maybe Saturday we will go.
Below are pictures of our Thanksgiving dinner...........

 This is the lobby of the park
Tom caught this picture of the after effects of a turkey dinner

Friday, November 16, 2012


It has been way too long since I did a blog posting.  We have been settling in here, so many days are not as interesting as others, and I don't want to bore people!  But we have done a few fun things that I would like to share with you.
It is hard to believe that we have been here for more than a month.  We will be workkampers here until March 31st, and time is just flying.  We have met so many people here and have many new friends.  Most of the people that winter in Southern Texas are from the Midwest, from Texas up through Minnesota.  There are also a lot of Canadians here and Tom even spotted a license plate today from Newfoundland.  What a drive that is!
We have discovered that EVERYONE that comes down here has their dental work done in Mexico.  It is dirt cheap compared to the US and the work is good, in fact I have heard people say that they have less pain here and the work gets done quicker.  People that have returned to their US dentists upon returning home say that their dentists tell them that the work that they have had done is very good.  A crown for $200..are you kidding me?  I received an estimate at home for $280 for two fillings which I am going to have done next week for $40.00.  Why not?  Tom is going to have some major work done while we are here...we might as well.  And pharmacies are all over the place in Mexico.  You don't need a prescription..just go in and tell them what you want at a fraction of the cost in the states...unbelievable.
The Rio Grande

We went with another couple last week into Nueveo Progresso, Mexico.  We wanted to go with someone that had been there before and she was having some dental work done.  We drove about 10 miles, parked the car and walked across the bridge over the Rio Grande.  And in 3 minutes we were in Mexico!  I was so pleasantly surprised at how comfortable we were in the town, merchants lined the streets on both sides.  Dentists, barbers, pharmacies, leather goods, clothing, jewelry, and more.  Tom even got an eye exam for $20!  There were many restaurants that are reported to be very good.  The town was loaded with Winter Texans and the locals treated us very well and were so friendly.  There is so much bad publicity about how dangerous Mexico border towns are, but this is one of the exceptions and they want to keep it that way.  I am sure that many of them are totally dependent on the Winter Texans to make a living.  We are looking forward to going back next week.
Next posting....a trip to a ranch!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Since we are staying in an RV park with unlimited opportunities to participate in activities, we decided to do something we usually do not do and go to a Halloween Party.  Here it included a dinner, a costume judging, (and there were some great costumes), and a murder mystery.  It was really a lot of fun and we not only had a good time, but had a great meal.  
We wanted to do something low-budget for our costumes, so I picked up a pair of scrubs at the local Goodwill, for $6.00.  Tom's costume was a little different, it was, well,   I will let you judge for yourself.  Let's just say that he was my patient..........

He got a LOT of laughs, and one woman even pinched his butt!!!
Below is our boss, Sherry, who is as nice a person as you will ever meet....she usually does not dress this way........really....
We are going to do some sighseeing this weekend, so we will have some local pics to send you.
See you in a few days!
Tom and Jackie