Thursday, January 30, 2020


Recently I had the awesome experience of being part of a tour that took me, via a Hummer, on a hair-raising drive along many miles of oceanfront sand dunes in the Outer Banks to Currituck Island, which is home to almost 100 Wild Spanish Mustangs..  The original mustangs arrived via shipwrecks 500 years ago and numbered in the thousands.The opportunity to travel to see these magnificent creatures has been a dream of mine for years.
The trip required us all to sign waivers which included our date of birth.  I discovered why later as they loaded the vehicle with its passengers.  It seated twelve persons from rear to front by age, with the youngest in the back, since it required  climbing over rows of seats. I soon found myself riding in the shotgun seat up front, which in my mind was the formal announcement to all the riders that I was, in fact, the eldest person on the trip.
After marinating in self pity for a few moments of humiliation, well, maybe more than a few moments, I came to a realization.
I am an amateur photographer and had been assuming that I would not be able to get any good shots of the horses from the back of a Hummer, especially since I would be photographing moving objects out of a moving vehicle.  Now I had the best seat in the house and could even rest my lens on the door of the vehicle! I took every opportunity to take as many fabulous shots as I could from my perfect viewpoint.
This experience just reaffirmed my belief that God is not just the God of the “big” things, like tuning up the universe, but He also looks out for His “elders”, just like me!

Matthew 10:29  “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside of your Father’s care.”

Psalm 91:4  “ He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

Photos by JHynd