Saturday, March 23, 2013


As the workampers prepare to leave, there are many sad goodbyes and "hope we see you agains" being passed around.  It seems like we are leaving really good friends as we all go our separate ways.
One of the first couples to leave was our next door neighbors, Bill and Shelley from Colorado.  Bill is retired military and they have a two pound Yorkie named Tigger.....he is just adorable.
I mentioned in one of my early posts right after we arrived here that I was amused as a REALLY long motor coach with a REALLY long trailer had just pulled in.  I have never seen anyone haul such a load.
Well, today I got pictures of them departing   I have to show you the pics so that you can appreciate what I am describing.  How they navigate this through heavy traffic I will never know...I do know that Bill has to have a special permit to dive it.  Total length is 72 feet + the hitch.

Shelley and Tigger

 The gorgeous coach
for all the rest of the stuff! 
 Hooked up and ready to go
 Gotta fit the car in!
And the bikes
Being a retired military veteran I wish Bill and his darling wife a long and wonderful retirement..they have certainly earned it!
See ya next time!


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