Sunday, March 17, 2013


I just can't believe that it was six months ago, (September 15) that we pulled out from the Charleston Air Force Base on our journey to South Texas.  The time has gone by unbelievably fast and it is almost time to leave.  We will be pulling out from this park in two weeks, on April 2nd.  We are now starting to prepare the car, truck and camper for the trip.  The weather here is really beginning to warm up (supposed to be 97 tomorrow), which will give us an incentive to move to cooler temps.
It will be hard to say goodbye to our workamper friends, in fact we had a little party last night since some will be leaving next week. It is a really great group of people and we have had much fun together.  Among the funniest is Libby (I have included her pic below), a Louisiana gal who is one of the funniest and friendliest people I have ever met.  She is a riot.  We from all over the country and all different walks of life, but have so much in common when we are together. 

One of the things that I had committed to do while I was here was to learn as much about Texas history as I could.  I have been to a number of historical locations here (believe me, Texas has a LOT of history) and have taken a number of tours around the area.  Shortly after I got here I purchased a used copy of James Michener's book "Texas" and committed to read it while I was here.  Anyone who has ever read a JM book knows what a committment that is!!!  This one is over 1300 pages long, and is packed with Texas history from the time that the first Spanish explorers came until the is chock full of history and really keeps you interested  I have been reading it in between other books and am down to about 100 pages.  It is a great book that will remain on my bookshelf for a very long time. 
Today we went to visit the Los Ebanos Ferry.  This is a real piece of history.  It is the only remaining hand drawn ferry in the U.S.  It is like going back in time to see the Rio Grande with a ferry crossing the river that is pulled across on a wire cable pulled by men.  And the ferry carries not just people, but also vehicles.  It is really something to see.  I have heard that it will probably not be in operation much longer, so we made sure we got to see it.  You can ride it across but better make sure that you have your passport to get back!  We did not go across this time.

Please stay tuned to this blog as I am going to share with you three women that I have met that have
been such an inspiration to me since I have been here. 
See you next time!!!

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