Saturday, April 6, 2013


As our days in Texas dwindle down to a precious few, we are cramming in everything we can while we can.  On Thursday we went to downtown San Antonio and went to the Alamo.  It was a great day to visit with no long lines.  With me being such a history buff, it was a very interesting visit.  The thought of 192 men voluntarily giving up their lives knowing that they would not come out of the Alamo alive is amazing to me.  Texas history is incredibly interesting. I don't know of any other state that fought so hard to become a state and then a part of the United States.
On Friday we went to Austin and visited the State Capitol and the Museum of Texas History.  The Capitol building is one of the most gorgeous buildings I have ever seen.  It is made of granite and has a pinkish/brownish tint and is massive.  We actually got to go into the Senate and House Chambers.  It was quite a visit.
Today we drove to the beautiful Hill Country town of Fredericksburg that is VERY popular with the tourists.  It was settled by the Germans and is a really unique place.  It sits up in wine country, I never realized that Texas had so many wineries.  After that we took a driving tour of the LBJ Ranch in Stonewall and then took a tour of the Texas White House.  You can actually go through the home of the Johnsons, right into their bedroom, living room and LBJ's office.  I never realized that he was only 64 when he died.  His ranch is 600 acres and is absolutely gorgeous. No wonder he spent 25% of his time there while he was president!  He and Lady Bird are buried on the property along with ALL of the rest of their ancestors.
Tomorrow we leave here for our last stop in Texas, which is Cowtown (Fort Worth)...can't wait to see it, they actually still have cattle drives down the streets...the pictures should be great.
In the meantime, here our some pics from the last few days.....quite a few pics today.
 Monument to Alamo Heroes

 Where LBJ went to school on the ranch

 Tombstones of LBJ and Lady Bird
 Presidential jet
 Texas White House
 Deer just outside our camper

 Jackie modeling hat

 Barklee modeling his new socks
 Our campground overlooks Canyon Lake
 Are his socks cool or what????

Next post coming from Fort Worth!!!

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