At last we have some pics from it said, it is beautiful
But in the meantime let me tell you about Tony. We met Tony in the parking lot in Charleston when we first arrived at the airport. His name is Tony Ramos and he is from Puerto Rico and spent 34 years in the US Army. He owns a home in Puerto Rico, Florida and lives on the base at Ramstein, Germany with his wife who is a teacher there. We buddied up with him while we waited for planes in Charleston and Dover.....he has been flying Space Available since the late 90s and has never paid for a commercial flight...he really is an expert. When none of our flights gelled, we decided to rent a car together to drive to New Jersey to try to get out there. Tony rented the car in his name in case we got out and he didn't...he HAD to be in Ramstein on Thursday.....when we got to NJ and his flight was cancelled he waited with us for five hours to see if we were going to get out. He didn't have to do that, he could have left and let us rent our own car.....but he stayed. When he found we were going out, he went ahead back to Dover to try to catch a flight out that night. About half an hour after he left he called to tell us that if our flight did not go out for any reason, he would come back and get us. He reluctantly took our half of the rental money before he left. He was educating us the whole time and told us many stories of his life.....he is going to meet us if and when we get to Germany to show us around. The Bible tells us to be on the watch because we may be entertaining angels unaware....I believe that Tony was an angel..not a real angel, but a human one. God puts these people in our path to show us the way when we don't know the way. Thank you Tony, hope to see you again soon!!!!!!!
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