Friday, June 29, 2007

Family Trip to Orlando

I thought that you might like to see a few of the pics of the kids at our annual family vacation to Orlando. Hailey, Andrew and Abby had a great time and we have many more pictures to show you once I figure out how to do it! The annual family vacation has now become a tradition after 3 years and we hope that it will go on forever, or at least until the kids think that it is too boring to be hanging out with us old people. We hope to create many great memories over the years. Please stay tuned for many more photos.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Tom flies to Pennsylvania for birthday cake!

Yes, it is true. Tom has flown all the way to PA for a piece of cake. Well, not really. It was much better than that. The fact that the planets lined up properly meant that his birthday AND Father's Day happened on the same day and Tom got to spend a great weekend with his daughter, Lisa. Lisa and Chris have recently purchased a new home and Dad HAD to check it out. In addition, Tom was able to get in a few rounds of golf with his grandson, Derek, and it was a great weekend. Golf, cake, presents and family. Life is good!
As I was returning home from a retreat this week on Seabrook Island, where I was treated to incredible views of the ocean at sunrise, deer chasing each other through the woods, dolphin showing off in the water and the most incredible sunsets, God had one more treat in store for me as I drove home through John's Island. He just loves to show off. A field of sunflowers with their pretty faces toward the sun waved at me as I drove by. We must try never to miss the wonders of nature as we hurry by. We must enjoy every moment and look for surprises.....

Who would want to read what I am thinking about?

Who in the world would want to read what I am thinking about, I wonder as I start this journey into cyberspace with my random thoughts? Well, maybe more people than I think. Since I live so far from all of my family members, save one (my husband), this can be a great way to communicate what is going on in my life. How could anyone know the joys of my journey unless I share them? So many wonderful things flit in and out of my life on a regular basis I cannot help but want to share the blessings with others. So this is I step out into a new and scary world and hope that people will take interest. Maybe something I say or a picture that I show can be a blessing to someone who needs it. So, here goes!